Sunday, February 14, 2016


I'm building an ExpandableListView in Android.  It's like making an outline that shows/hides subcategories of main categories.  Here's the expandable list view when it's unexpanded:
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Juice
Here's expandable list view when it's expanded:
  • Coffee
    • light roast
    • medium roast
    • dark roast
  • Tea
    • Chamomile
    • Spearmint
    • Darjeeling
  • Juice
    • Pineapple
    • Grapefruit
    • Guava
A click on a category expands the list beneath the heading.

It's simple, right?  Except in Java and Android there's a lot of parts.

Here are my notes:

An ExpandableListView is a list that holds lists.  The main lists are the headers.  They're displayed with some kind of indicator next to them to show that they contain more detail inside.

Parts needed:

  1. XML
    1. Layouts
      1. Main layout - define the main container.
        1. LinearLayout
          1. ExpandableListView
      2. Main header layout - format text/background for categories.
        1. LinearyLayout
          1. TextView
      3. Item header layout - format text/background for items.
        1. LinearLayout
          1. TextView
  2. Java
    1. Class that extends BaseExpandableListAdapter:
      1. class DrinkMenuExpandableListAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter
    2. An Activity or Fragment 
      1. To prepare the lists data.
      2. To instantiate the class that extends BaseExpandableListAdapter, passing it the data.
      3. To connect listeners:
        1. setOnChildClickListener
        2. setOnGroupClickListener
        3. setOnGroupExpandedListener
        4. setOnGroupCollapseListener
        5. setOnItemClickListener
I'll add the XML code here along with the Java.  Will also look at putting it on Github.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Just Posted on My Common Lisp Blog: This Old Android Colors App

Last year sometime, I wrote an app to generate colors and selectors and something else.  I just wrote about it on my Common Lisp blog.  You can find the original article here, but I've pasted a copy below, too:


I wrote an app last year.  It was written in Common Lisp.  It generated colors and selectors for an Android app.  It had an interface.  It kept colors related by degree.  It worked.  I put it away.  I forgot about it.

I can't imagine how Hemingway wrote in such short sentences.  It makes me nuts to feel all constrained by a single thought and not be able to use a conjunction to extend a thought to something maybe meaningful like...

I forgot what I was saying.  Then again, Hemingway wrote amazing books which have withstood the tests of time and I write marginal software and blog posts (also likely marginal.)

The point, the point... what is the point?  I wrote a color app for Android last year.  I wanted to make buttons with stroke and fill colors and lots of them.  But being a total color spaz, I wanted them to look like they had some kind of relation other than "lots of them".  Because we all know from emacs, hmm, editors in general, that lots of colors ends up looking not brown, like in art and oil painting or pastels, but like three vibrantly colored meals suddenly evacuated from... well, you get the point.

So I wrote an app in Lisp to see if I could write an app in Lisp that might help me work with colors while making said colors look visually appealing.  It worked.  Pretty much.  I used well-defined color relationships to create the color relationships.  I think I should have to find a way to put it on the web.  Because I think other people might want to generate the same thing I did, only for their own super-cool apps.  Not that it's the only app like it or that my apps are any great shakes (yet.)  But it's good to have choice and maybe it could be something somebody might want to use.  Maybe.  I never know what anybody wants anymore.

The app allowed for a variable number of controls, a stroke color and a fill color.  Each could be defined by color relations and then the degree/intensity could be modified:

  • analogous
  • triadic
  • split-complement
  • complementary
  • lightness

There might have been some other color relationship thing in there, like monochromatic.  It was a decent prototype, so I think as soon as I finish this calculator, I'll add it to the short list of projects to get done, because web projects in Lisp aren't difficult.  At least I don't remember them being difficult.

Not that I'm writing a teaser or anything.  I find if I don't write a note about it for public consumption, I forget about it.  Like I did last year whenever it was I wrote this app and forgot to write a blog post about it.

The fact that the app generated something like 200 color specifiers (I'd said 1500 earlier because that was the last index on the generated colors, but went back after thinking about it and calculating how many unique colors it would have created) and scads of other detail is what has me thinking it might be useful.  I think that's why I built it in the first place; I wanted colors, but I didn't have ten years to generate all the xml by hand, and if I was going to do all the xml by hand, because I wanted colors, I knew I was going to end up with black, white, and charcoal grey and a lot of impatience at that.  And my inner artist wanted something less Seattle winter and more Seattle spring.  I'm from Seattle.  If you've been, you know why coffee is big, winters are depressing, and spring is like waking from darkness into lots of fresh berries everywhere and colors that leave you blinking as you wonder where all the amazing colors came from.  Spring is an amazing season, but spring in Seattle is pretty nice, though it's been twenty years since I've visited.

I wax poetic sometimes.  But I can't write like anybody else.  Except I used to channel my inner Hunter S. Thompson a long time ago.  But that's a story for another time.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Clipboard Notes

I just added clipboard code to a project I'm going to release soon.  Strangely, it went in easy and worked without problems the first time.  I don't know if that means I'm better at Android or the Clipboard code didn't need me to unwind and figure out dependency within dependency and special rules for sequencing calls for whatever part of the Activity life-cycle an update was happening inside of, with a fragment, for a certain phone, on a Tuesday.


Some quick notes on how to make the clipboard work for text, so next time I don't have to go "groveling docs", as a former co-worker of mine used to say:

Here's the basic way to get an item to the clipboard using "newPlainText" as a shorthand method:

ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager)getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
clip = ClipData.newPlainText("simple text""string for the clipboard goes here" );
clipboard.setPrimaryClip(clip); // Set the ClipData to the clipboard. One ClipData instance only.

Here's how to populate a ClipData with multiple ClipData.Item instances, so multiple lines of (plain text) data can be added to the clipboard.  The ClipData constructors need a ClipData.Item, so I put the call to instantiate within the loop after checking for null:

ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager)getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
ClipData clip = null;

while( it.hasNext()) {
   ClipData.Item item = new ClipData.Item(;

   // Initialize the clip the first time through.  Subsequent items are added to the clip via addItem.
   if( clip == null ) {
      ClipDescription desc = new ClipDescription( "simple text", new String[] { ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_HTML } );
      clip = new ClipData(desc, item );
   else {
      clip.addItem( item );

// The populated clip with added items is added to the clipboard.

It's nice to have something work without having it turn into a jigsaw puzzle.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Android Preferences: PreferenceScreen, PreferenceActivity, PreferenceFragment

Notes about building preferences in Android.  I'm trying to coalesce it into one place for the sake of remembering all the parts and how it all fits together.

Preferences are Androids encapsulation of behavior for setting and saving (exposed) global state for an application.  Here are the parts which are needed:
  1. Preferences xml file
    1. Located not in layouts, but in res/xml directory.
      1. Preferences are contained within root node of PreferenceScreen type.
  2. String resources
    1. string
    2. string-array
  3. PreferenceFragment
  4. PreferenceActivity
  5. AndroidManifest
    1. Add preferences activity
  6. Initializing default values
    1. Set in XML
      1. android:defaultValue="value", where value is a string or @string/id
    2. In main onCreate method and any other activity the user can enter into application
PreferenceActivity:  Post Android 3.0

The activity instantiating the PreferenceFragment has to use a PreferenceFragment, but it can be any Activity, not a PreferenceActivity.  The code below attaches a fragment, from Google's Android Docs:

public class SettingsActivity extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Display the fragment as the main content.
                .replace(, new SettingsFragment())

Version 3.0 and Older

Android docs show the following code to instantiate a PreferenceFragment before version 3.0, pay attention to which version you're developing for, because on version 3.0 and higher, addPreferences is deprecated.

public class SettingsActivity extends PreferenceActivity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.preferences); // DEPRECATED IN >= 3.0


addPreferencesFromResource in PreferenceFragment is not deprecated.

public static class SettingsFragment extends PreferenceFragment {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Load the preferences from an XML resource
Initializing Default Values

Call the following from onCreate of main application activity to make sure default preferences are initialized.  Note, that passing false in the third argument prevents overwriting any modifications to preference values, so it's safe to call in onCreate every time the app starts:

PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.advanced_preferences, false);

Preferences XML

Types of preferences are:
  1. Category
    1. PreferenceScreen
      1. Must be root category.
      2. Subsequent declarations create a screen break.
    2. PreferenceCategory
    3. Preference
      1. Creates subcategory
  2. Types
    1. CheckBoxPreference
    2. ListPreference
    3. EditTextPreference
    4. Intent
    5. RingtonePreference
  3. headers
    1. more detail coming

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Calling setCheck on a CheckBox in an Adapter calls onCheckedChange...why?


Calling setCheck on a CheckBox (in getView) of an Adapter shouldn't trigger a call to the onCheckedChange listener, because (in my opinion) the listener is listening for the physical touch on the screen, not a programmatic call to configure the display.  Man, did that take some time to figure out, because I kept thinking the feature/bug was in my code, not Android code.

I hope it's a bug/feature in an old library, though I thought I had the latest libs.  A lot of my development notes turn into stacks that start at the answer and descend into the path to the solution, so don't be surprised if a nugget turns up on top of this update that addresses this with the final answer.

This issue just suddenly showed up in code that was working and I didn't update anything, so I spent time thinking my new code had broken something.  Because wow, did it break my program so spectacularly and when I was putting a whole new feature in, and in a way that left me with no awareness that this was the source, that I was tearing through working code like it was broken until I realized it was over in that other part of the program, in an innocuous part of code, that I thought was working.  Because the call to setCheck had been working for five years.  Or I'd just been lucky all that time.

In order to fix the bug (feature?), I set the onCheckedChangeListener to null before calling setCheck, then I set the listener back to the instance that needs to respond to the call.

active.setChecked( isChecked );


50% more code, lost time, and all for no good reason.  Whatever it takes to long as it works.

I'm keeping the original article below, because it highlights how insidious OS features/bugs are.  They can look like a sequencing problem, when in fact, their behavior performs in unexpected ways.

P. S. I'm pretty sure in the end, it's my ignorance that caused the bug.  I probably should have read the docs for setChecked, groveled a bug database, or checked online for solutions.  But I'm already swimming in Android docs and setting a checkbox has never, in any OS I've worked with (to the best of my recollection), triggered an event as if the user had changed something.

end update]

Just a mental note to remind me not do what I just did, because it took a minute to figure out what was wrong:
I set the listener after setting the state of the control in the getView method in the Adapter.  By setting the listener before setting the state, Android was causing subsequent getTag calls to return null.  I'll figure out why later, because I really have to finish this product I'm working on.
This bug was especially confusing because I don't remember changing any of the code and it just suddenly broke in a place I knew had been working and it suddenly stopped working and I wasn't working on this piece of code at all.

// No.  This code is broken.
CheckBox active = (CheckBox)entry.findViewById( );
active.setTag( object );
active.setChecked( isChecked );

// Yes.  This code works.
CheckBox active = (CheckBox)entry.findViewById( );
active.setChecked( isChecked );
active.setTag( object );

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Quick Summary: List of things to do for DialogFragment with State

These are my notes for creating a DialogFragment in Android.  There are a number of book-keeping details.  I'll post some code when I get this app I'm building finished.

Things that need to be done:
  • onAttach
    • check for:
      • Pre-M (23) versions and provide method taking Activity
      • M and beyond versions, providing method taking Context
  • onDetach
  • saveInstanceState
    • save settings/state into the bundle passed into the method.
  • onDestroy
    • save settings/state to persistant state (prefs)
  • onCreateDialog
    • Check for savedInstanceState
    • Check for getArguments - some dialogs pass arguments on load
    • If neither savedInstanceState or getArguments, check persistent state (prefs, db).
    • populate multiple choice items, single choice, adapters...
  • if using onCreateView
    • configure controls, set defaults
    • configure click listeners, checkbox listeners (if not in adapter)
      • CheckBox listeners that are aligned with a layout in a compound configuration (Layout holding TextView and CheckBox) need to call setOnCheckedChangeListener(null) before setting the checkbox from the click in the layout, then set it back to setOnCheckedChangeListener(this), in order to prevent a double-click.
  • on item click
    • update whatever member variables that need updating, so they get saved in any configuration or life-cycle change.
  • on positive button  click
    • pass data back to the listener configured in onAttach
  • on negative button click
    • Often do nothing, but sometimes pass a message back to notify whoever called the dialog that it needs to restore the state it had set when it called the previous dialog.
I'll add details when/if I notice anything's missing, but I'll probably add more detail to this article.

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Adapter in the DialogFragment with a Checkbox

[Update: It looks like the switches and xml code is necessary, but that I might not have had to make a custom layout to make the adapter respond right.  I'll clear things up as soon as I have it all straight.]

I changed the title of this post to make it sound like the ending of a game of Clue.

These are my notes, meant to help me remember the hours of thrashing it's taken to make a simple dialog in Android.  What a mess.

I made a dialog using a DialogFragment.  It was good.  I added an adapter that was connected to a List returned from a database.  Connected the onClick methods and everything worked.

Then, I wanted to add a checkbox to the row for each element in the Adapter list.  And things got weird.

The problem with Android is that there are too many options, choices, and configurations, each with myriad options, choices, and configurations.  It's a combinatoric nightmare at times, made worse by documentation that refuses to go into any topic with any real depth.  I shouldn't say any, but it feels like it.  It's rare for answers to come from the docs.  Or the books sitting next to me.  Or the internet.  Finding answers usually takes an incredible amount of detective work.

In order to make the DialogFragment work, I had to create my own dialog layout.  Then, I had to override onCreateView and manage the click in the DialogFragment.  So I had to inflate a layout, find the controls, and connect the actions with the methods.  The docs were okay, but kind of light, so it took a little while to get it all sorted out.  Especially since I wanted to just use the code in the AlertDialog.builder thingie, because it took me right to the edge of getting my interface developed.  But I couldn't find a way to make it work.

So I had to override and populate and test and document onCreateView with the custom setup.  More work, more risk, more bugs, more docs, more wasted time.  Not because I can't code, but because it's not clear from the docs when to use the builder and when to use onCreateView from the start.  The dialogs docs shows all kind of cool dialogs that look kind of like the one I wanted to make.  Why wouldn't I think that was the way to build a dialog when all the examples suggested that was all I'd need?

Fine.  Whatever.  Android.

I got it built, got it populated and then tried to use it.  The click didn't work.  It had been working in the other layout.  I figured it'd just be an easy fix to make the program respond to the click.  It wasn't.  I groveled docs until I found that in order to make the row respond to a click event, I had to add the following line to the RelativeLayout that held the controls for each row of the Adapter:


Of course, why didn't I remember the descendantFocusability switch with the blocksDescendants option?  I can't tell if blocksDescendants is the affirmative or the negative, but I'll look it up again later when I really need to remember yet another detail out of the myriad details that is Android that I'll immediately forget because of all the complexity and inconsistencies.

But adding that switch thing only made the row respond to the click.  The CheckBox didn't respond to the click.  Turns out the CheckBox click has to be managed in the Adapter.  I've seen that one before, but it's been a while, so it took some more groveling through StackOverflow and Android's pathetic excuse for documentation (that frequently contains errors and omissions which require further research, as if developing for this train-wreck isn't time consuming enough.)

Then I read and remembered that I had to add the code to manage the click on the CheckBox in the Adapter.  Of course.  Now my object-oriented code is fragmented into two classes to handle a click event, and that requires duplication of effort as well as remembering that the response to one event happens in one place and the response to the other event happens in another in spite of them both looking like they're happening in one place.

I had to add the following magic line to the XML for the CheckBox that is a member of each row:


Then my adapter had to implement:

implements CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener

// Here's the full class declaration:
public class SpecialSettingsAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener {

And then the method had to be added:

@Overridepublic void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { ...code... }

And then the parent has to be discovered, and the row id found, or the data needs to be tucked away in the setTag() method when created or recycled, and retrieved by the getTag() method on the click, because unlike the OnItemClickedListener, which gives you a little detail that makes it easy to work with the ListView, this method doesn't give you anything but whether the CheckBox is checked, and the CheckBox itself.  Like nobody using an adapter is going to associate a control with a row number.  I'm sure I'm missing a method that provides all the detail I need, but I've wasted so much time just trying to get this insanely trivial part of my program to work, I could care less right now.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

OnAttach of a Dialog Listener for Version 23 and Below Version 23

I wrestled with this a little until I saw an implementation on the web and another on StackOverflow.  I'm posting it here so I can remember where to find it.  The version 23 Context method calls the Activity method, hence the check for Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.M, to avoid calling onAttachToContext twice, which results in a crash.

public interface NoticeDialogListener {
   public void onDialogPositiveClick( DialogFragment dialog );
   public void onDialogNegativeClick( DialogFragment dialog );

NoticeDialogListener _listener;

@Overridepublic void onAttach( Context context ) {
   if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {

@Overridepublic void onAttach(Activity activity) {

public void onAttachToContext( Context context ) {
   Activity activity;

   if( context instanceof Activity ) {
      activity = (Activity) context;
      _listener = (NoticeDialogListener) activity;
   else {
      _listener = (NoticeDialogListener) context;

Monday, January 11, 2016

First Post, Coming Soon: Layouts

I created this blog a short time ago and have been thinking about topics to write about.  It's not that there aren't a lot of things related to Android development available to go into.  It's just that I wasn't sure what to write about Android development that wasn't vitriolic and loathsome.

Finally, after (another) three days of working through the combinatoric intricacies of layouts, I finally realized that writing about layouts might be a good place to start.  I'm going to finish the application I'm developing, give some thought to how to present layouts in a way that will hopefully offer insight into how to construct and manage them beyond what's already available, then see if I can put something together.

It's not that the details aren't out there, I personally haven't seen the depth of detail the subject warrants and the admonitions and warnings about complexity and performance only cloud the issue.  I've been groveling over a lot of Android docs, StackOverflow posts, and tutorial websites.  There's a lot of "scratching the surface" and "getting started" docs for Android.  But things can get pretty complicated when you step into real-world configurations, and the "Layouts 101" approach can break down and quickly, leaving one spinning the proverbial wheels as time flies quickly by and frustrations mount.

In the 34 years I've been coding, I've never been less productive as a developer than I've been with Android.  I'm surprised at times that I still spend my time working with it.  For all their money and developers, it's oftentimes maddening that Google's docs are so light and the only outside choices available beyond Google docs are the abundant number of sites that have cloned Google's docs with very little additional information.

I know, I sound like a cranky old man.  I am.